Friday, August 08, 2008

too short

i've recently been obsessed with a couple j.dilla tracks off his unreleased pay jay album. yeah, yeah ... i know, i know ... i shouldn't be bootlegging his shit since his family is hurting for money after all his medical bills, but damn it, i wanted some more dilla. i'd gladly pay for it ... if they would finally release it. anyway, not the point.

starting over ...

i've recently been obsessed with a couple j.dilla tracks off of pay jay, particularly "no one knows." i'm not sure what exactly it is about track that i love; if it's the hook, the sample, his flow, the production. unfortunately, once i really start getting into, it's done. 2:19. that's it. no more. it just kinda leaves you hanging, yearning for more, unfulfilled. sucks.

i felt the same way about "unwritten" featuring mercedes martinez off the roots' rising down. this roots track even has the same sound/feel of the "no one knows" ... and when it ends, i'm like, "that's it?! no more?!" common's whole album be gave me this feeling too. and while i appreciate the songs/albums, don't tease me like that!


DJ Bozo said...

Felt the same way when the beat changes on Jay's "A Million & One Questions" intro.


Brian said...

yeah, i definitely agree with that one. i used to think i had a screwed up copy of the song. i spent one day searching futilely furiously for the full length song.

DJ Bozo said...

You ever find it?

Brian said...

as far as i know, it doesn't exist. i have/had a extended remix, i think, but the production was different and not as good.