Friday, March 09, 2007

the simpsons

one of the greatest mysteries of my lifetime will always be: "which springfield in the united states do the simpsons live in?" now i understand that matt groening has been purposely vague, and in all actuality, the springfield in which the simpsons live isn't a real place. it's been kinda fun reading people's cases for a particular state (i believe illinois and kentucky have the strongest arguments).

anyway, i think fox's decision to have the new simpsons movie premier at springfield is pretty cool ... but which springfield you ask. they get to fight for it. i think it's a clever marketing idea that'll appeal to longtime simpsons fans like myself.

the simpsons will always be one of my favorite tv shows of all time. i can't wait for the movie to come out. the new trailer looks pretty good.

1 comment:

J3NN!F3R said...

can't wait to see that one!