x-men 'bout to blast off
so i finally got around to seeing x-men: the last stand on friday. i went with my friend krithi who is just about the only person i know, besides my brother and cousins, who would appreciate the movie in the same way i would. after reading reviews and being warned by angelo many times not to waste my money, i was expecting much worse. for an action movie, it wasn't bad at all.
... but the movie REALLY BOTHERED me!
**possible spoiler alert**i grew up reading many marvel comics, mostly x-men, and i watched the cartoon all the time. the movie diverged from both a LOT ... particularly, the story behind the development of the phoenix. plus the phoenix was scary looking, and in the comics, she's supposed to look the same as, if not better than, jean grey (and it's a shame doing that to famke janssen). she never once was engulfed in fire! then you throw in what happens to cyclops/professor x and magneto/mystique/rogue and i mean, come on. yes, i realize all those things could be reversed or accounted for in a subsequent movie, but that would just be lame. okay ... i'll stop now. i just had to rant about that for a bit. i would have done it earlier, but i was too busy this weekend being lazy.
**end spoiler alert**
oh yeah ... before the movie, they had a preview for the new ghostrider movie, and although it doesn't look particularly bad, it really doesn't look particularly good either. either way, i'll end up watching it ... why? because i feel compelled to watch anything put out by marvel since as a kid, i was so fascianted by the world marvel created. let's just hope they have more x-men/spidermans and less hulk/daredevils.
and hopefully, my shares of marvel stock will actually do something for once.
and thanks to the x-ecutioners, i was able to continue to provide relevant post titles while having the title reference a song, artist, etc.
don't watch Pirates of the Carribean 2, what a waste of celluloid!
wanted to blog about but having a hard time finding a track to match "Mr. Verbinski, stop wasting film!"
pirates 2 was no good? i heard it beat spidey's record?!?
with ticket prices constantly increasing, beating those records is becoming easier and easier. the fact that spiderman's record lasted so long says something about how good it was and how bad recent movies have been.
i've got to imagine they index for ticket prices don't they? or is that too hard considering geographic differences in prices across the country??
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