the show
Archana's mom was around for about a week around the 4th of July. While she was here we decided to go see a show on Broadway. We ended up seeing Spamalot, which is a Broadway adaptation of Month Python and the Holy Grail ... they call it "lovingly ripped off". If you're a fan of the movie, I'd definitely recommend. The show followed the movie pretty closely, at least for the first three quarters. The playbill even had fake info on a fake cast reminiscent of the fake intro credits on the movie (except with no llamas). Arch and her mom were confused with that,but I loved it. Some of the songs were too long and detracted from the overall comedy but oh well. The end of the show was a lot different from the movie. Overall, it was really good, and if you're a fan of the movie, you should go check it out. My biggest gripe: since the end was different, they left out the scene from the end of the movie where the knights have to answer three questions in order to pass. It's the scene were King Arthur asks, "African or European?" Without that scene, the entire first scene in which they're discussing swallows is pretty much pointless.
a witch? and a flesh wound? and your mother smells like elderberries???
they didn't have the witch scene, which sucks. the black knight scene was in there, but since there was actually a live person doing it, it was harder to show the scene, which made it not as funny. the scenes with the french guys at the castle were great though. "i fart in your general direction" and other good ones were in there. they even added some new funny ones.
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